V2X 통신기술 스타트업 에티포스(대표 김호준)가 신용보증기금의 혁신스타트업 성장지원 프로그램 ‘퍼스트 펭귄’ 기업으로 선정되며, 30억원의 보증 한도를 확보하며, 안정적인 자금 조달과 기술 개발 투자 확대가 기대된다.
▲Kim Ho-jun, CEO of Etiforce
Expected to increase stable funding and investment in technology development
V2X communication technology startup Etiforce (CEO Ho-Jun Kim) has secured a guarantee limit of 3 billion won from the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund, and stable funding and expanded investment in technology development are expected.
Etiphos announced on the 3rd that it was selected as a ‘First Penguin’ company for the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund’s innovation startup growth support program.
The 'First Penguin' program is a system that supports companies that take on uncertainty and challenges, and aims to foster startups with high growth potential based on excellent ideas and technological prowess into global unicorns.
With this selection, Etiphos has secured a guarantee limit of up to 3 billion won from the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund.
Etiforce is attracting attention by developing a solution that implements the C-V2X (Cellular V2X) method with a software-defined modem (SDM).
This solution has attracted industry attention as it has been adopted as a standard in the US, Europe, China, and Korea, and a successful 5G-V2X demonstration was conducted with BMW, Audi, and others at the 5GAA technology demonstration event held in Berlin last October.
Etiphos is not only supplying V2X equipment to various C-ITS (Cyber-Intelligent Transport Systems) projects in Korea, but is also participating in C-ITS projects in the United States and Japan.
Recently in California, USAOh, we are establishing a corporation in San Jose and expanding into the global market.
An official from the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund emphasized that this selection was a result of a high evaluation of Etiphos’ technological prowess and growth potential, saying, “Etiphos is a company that possesses the innovative technologies necessary for building next-generation mobility and smart infrastructure, and is establishing a leading position in the global market.”
Etiphos CEO Kim Ho-jun said, “We would like to thank the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund for trusting and selecting Etiphos. With this support as a stepping stone, we will accelerate the development of core technologies for autonomous driving and smart transportation systems and solidify our position as a leader in the global technology market.”