경찰대학 치안정책연구소는 자율주행 시대 교통안전을 선제적으로 준비하기 위해 한국ITS학회와 20일 업무협약을 체결했다.
The goal is to establish a system that can proactively respond to the rapidly changing transportation environment.
Future security collaboration efforts such as autonomous driving and ITS research and development in the security field The Korea National Police University's Institute of Public Safety Policy signed a business agreement with the Korea ITS Society on the 20th to proactively prepare for traffic safety in the era of autonomous driving.
The two organizations agreed to cooperate to discover transportation technologies and standards suitable for the future transportation environment, such as the commercialization of autonomous vehicles, and to proactively prepare for traffic safety and the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) environment in the public security sector.
It is expected that this agreement will establish a system that can proactively respond to the rapidly changing new transportation environment, such as autonomous driving and next-generation intelligent transportation system (C-ITS) technology, based on the accumulated research and development capabilities and field experience of both organizations.
According to the agreement, the two organizations will establish a more active cooperative system, including: ▲ identifying tasks to provide optimized autonomous driving services in the public safety sector; ▲ holding joint discussions and expanding academic exchanges related to autonomous driving; ▲ activating a cooperative system for police ITS policy consulting and on-site introduction of cutting-edge technologies; ▲ cooperating to respond to the Gangneung ITS World Congress; and ▲ exchanging technologies related to autonomous driving and traffic police work for public safety.
Lee In-sang, director of the Institute for Public Safety Policy Research, said, “In order to proactively respond to the rapidly changing traffic environment and safety threats due to the introduction of autonomous driving technology, we will actively pursue the development and field application of intelligent transportation system technology.”
The Institute of Public Safety Policy is the only public safety research institute in Korea. As a specialized research institute in the field, we are continuously conducting research to prepare for autonomous driving safety threats such as transportation systems, cybersecurity, and traffic accidents, especially in the field of autonomous driving.