ST는 공과대학 재학생을 대상으로 ‘ST의 GUI와 Wireless를 활용한 나만의 아이디어 구현하기’를 주제로 ‘STM32 Quest: 2024 University Developer Contest (GFX & Wireless)’를 개최한다.
Acquire basic TouchGFX and Wireless knowledge and skills through quest completion
From developing to implementing creative tasks with STM32 boards… Applications open from July 1st
STMicroelectronics (hereinafter referred to as ST) is holding the 'STM32 Quest: 2024 University Developer Contest (GFX & Wireless)' for university students.
The theme for 2024 will be ‘Implementing your own ideas using ST’s GUI and Wireless.’
Originally, STM32 Quest was one of the representative events for the STM32 MCU family, providing embedded system developers with an opportunity to experience STM32's convenient development environment and rich ecosystem.
In particular, as it is being conducted for college students in 2024, it is meaningful in terms of fostering future engineers from the perspective of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) that ST emphasizes.
This STM32 Quest, which will begin accepting participants on Monday, July 1, will consist of a total of 4 Quests, from ‘ST GFX & Wireless VOD Viewing’ to ‘Board Development and Idea Implementation’, and will run from July 29 to December 4.It is progressing.
During the period, in addition to webinar sessions on GFX & Wireless solutions provided by ST marketers, students will be given hands-on experience in developing their own creative projects by distributing STM32 development boards (STM32U5G9J, NUCLEO).
As it focuses on college students, the Quest stages and sub-missions are designed to help students acquire basic knowledge and skills.
Alexandre Renoux, Marketing Manager for the STM32 GFX family, said of the event: “Attendees will have a hands-on experience with the development environment for the STM32 microcontroller, which is widely used in embedded industries, and will also be able to learn about ST’s solutions for the latest technology trends, such as graphical UI, wireless connectivity, security, and AI.” He also said, “The key selling point of the STM32 board is its STM32U5 MCU, which enables the creation of effective GUI prototypes.”
ST TouchGFX's target applications are diverse and include home appliances, beauty devices, industrial GUIs, smartwatches, coffee machines, and home automation control devices, and various products have already been mass-produced and released to the market.
“The NUCLEO board is a development board that includes the STM32WB product, a wireless antenna, and an ST-LINK debugger,” said Lee Jun-ho, deputy marketing manager for the STM32 Wireless product line. “The STM32WB is a dual-core, multi-protocol product that can support all of the protocols mentioned, so it is being used in many applications worldwide.” The STM32WB wireless microcontroller integrates wireless connectivity and a general-purpose microcontroller into a single system-on-chip (SoC).
Meanwhile, for this STM32 Quest, ST officials will directly review the results of participants who have completed up to Quest 4 and select a total of three teams as winners.
In addition to various award prizes and ceremonies, we offer various benefits to participants, such as certificates provided by ST, free webinars, and coaching sessions by ST product marketers.
Lastly, Manager Alexander Renoux encouraged participation by saying, “I hope you will experience ST’s user-friendly yet powerful development environment and the latest technologies in UI and wireless connectivity, and freely develop your creative ideas.”