주요 고속도로, 수원광교, 경기화성, 용인동백, 충남천안, 서울동작 등 6곳이 자율주행차 시범운행지구로 신규 지정됐고, 기존에 지정된 경북경주, 서울 중앙버스 전용차로, 충청권 광역교통망 등 3곳의 운영구간도 확대됐다.
Self-driving trucks begin pilot operation on highways
The spread of autonomous driving is in full swing, with autonomous trucks being tested on major highways and six new locations being designated as autonomous vehicle test operation zones.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced on the 2nd that it will designate 9 autonomous vehicle pilot operation zones in the second half of 2024.
Six new locations were designated, including major highways, Suwon Gwanggyo, Gyeonggi Hwaseong, Yongin Dongbaek, Chungnam Cheonan, and Seoul Dongjak, and the operating sections of three previously designated locations, including Gyeongbuk Gyeongju, Seoul Central Bus-only Lane, and Chungcheong Metropolitan Area Transportation Network, were also expanded.
The new highway pilot operation zone was designated to support verification of wide-area autonomous freight transport, and includes major logistics sections such as the Gyeongbu Line and Jungbu Line.
We are preparing a special permit for paid cargo transport so that autonomous cargo transport can be implemented in the area starting early next year.
The APEC summit to be held in Gyeongju in 2025 will introduce self-driving shuttles connecting major conference venues and accommodations.
In addition, autonomous vehicle services are expected to expand, such as expanding the operation of the first early morning bus in the central bus lane change in Seoul and introducing autonomous demand-responsive shuttles in the isolated section between Osong Station and Jochiwon Station in the Chungcheong region's metropolitan transportation network.
As a result of the 2023 pilot operation zone performance evaluation, the Chungcheong region's metropolitan transportation network received the highest grade (A) as the longest domestic demonstration zone utilizing BRT roads.
Seoul Sangam received an A grade for two consecutive years for its performance in operating various services, including a demand-responsive autonomous driving shuttle specialized for the transportation disadvantaged.
Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Park Sang-woo said, “Autonomous driving technology is a key future technology that will greatly improve the convenience of the people. He said, “We will continue to support the active demonstration of challenging technologies such as autonomous freight transport on highways,” adding, “This is a new technology.”