인피니언 테크놀로지스(코리아 대표이사 이승수)가 상단면 냉각 패키지를 적용한 전력 MOSFET인 SSO10T TSC 패키지 제품을 출시을 출시하며 자동차 전자 제어장치의 열전달을 차단해 차량용 애플리케이션에서 최대의 효율 달성을 가능케 했다.
Launch of Power MOSFET with SSO10T TSC Top-side Cooling Package
Infineon Technologies AG (Korea CEO Seung-Soo Lee) has launched a power MOSFET with a top-side cooling package, which blocks heat transfer in automotive electronic control units and enables maximum efficiency in automotive applications.
Infineon announced on the 4th that it is launching the SSO10T TSC package product with OptiMOS™ MOSFET technology.
This package provides excellent thermal performance with a top-side direct cooling concept. Therefore, there is no heat transfer to or through the PCB of the automotive electronic control unit.
This package enables simple, compact, double-sided PCB designs, minimizing cooling requirements and system costs for future automotive power designs.
The SSO10T TSC is suitable for applications such as electric power steering (EPS), EMB, power distribution, brushless DC (BLDC) drives, safety switches, reverse batteries, and DCDC converters.
The SSO10T TSC has a 5 mm x 7 mm footprint and is based on the industry standard SSO8 5 mm x 6 mm housing.
On the other hand, the SSO10 TSC is top-cooled, so it offers 20 to 50 percent better performance than the standard SSO8, depending on the thermal interface material (TIM) used and the TIM thickness.
The SSO10T TSC package is registered with JEDEC for the open market, providing broad second source compatibility.
This package can therefore be easily and quickly introduced as a future standard for top-side cooling.
The SSO10T package enables very compact PCB designs and reduces system footprint.
It also reduces overall system cost and design effort by eliminating vias and lowering cooling design costs.
This housing offers high power density and efficiency, enabling the development of future-oriented sustainable vehicles.
Infineon currently supplies 40V automotive MOSFETs using SSO10T, namely IAUCN04S6N007T, IAUCN04S6N009T, IAUCN04S6N013T, and IAUCN04S6N017T.