삼성전자가 2024년 연간 실적에서 역대 두 번째인 300조 매출 달성에도 불구하고, 반도체 영업익에서 SK하이닉스에 뒤지며 웃지를 못했다. 삼성전자가 31일 공시한 2024년 4분기 경영실적에 따르면 연결재무제표 기준으로 매출 300조8,709억원으로 기록해 전년대비 16.2% 증가했고, 영업이익은 32조7,260억원을 기록해 전년대비 398.3% 증가했다. 당기순이익은 34조4,514억원을 기록해 전년대비 122.5% 증가했다.

▲Samsung Electronics 2024 annual and 4th quarter sales and operating profit by business division (Source: Samsung Electronics)
Sales of KRW 300.8709 trillion, up 16% year-on-year, operating profit of KRW 32.726 trillion
Semiconductor sector sales of KRW 111.1 trillion and operating profit of KRW 15.1 trillion in 2024
Despite Samsung Electronics achieving its second-highest annual sales of 300 trillion won in 2024, it fell short of SK Hynix in semiconductor operating profit.
Samsung Electronics announced its business performance for the fourth quarter of 2024 on the 31st.
Accordingly, the annual business performance in 2024 is recorded as KRW 300.8709 trillion in sales based on consolidated financial statements, a 16.2% increase from the previous year, and operating profit is recorded as KRW 32.726 trillion, a 398.3% increase from the previous year. Net income was 34.4514 trillion won, a 122.5% increase over the previous year.
The DS division (formerly semiconductor), which attracted attention, recorded sales of 111.1 trillion won and operating profit of 15.1 trillion won.
Compared to SK Hynix, which is continuing to compete with high value-added semiconductors, etc., which posted sales of KRW 66.193 trillion and operating profit of KRW 23.4673 trillion in 2024, Samsung Electronics' semiconductor management performance in 2024 is showing that it posted low operating profit despite high sales, and it is analyzed that it showed sluggish performance trends in high value-added semiconductors such as HBM.
In terms of consolidated financial statements, the fourth quarter of 2024 saw sales of KRW 75.7883 trillion, up 11.8% year-on-year, and operating profit of KRW 6.4927 trillion, up 129.9% year-on-year. Net income increased 22.2% year-on-year to KRW 7.7544 trillion.
The DS (Device Solutions) division posted sales of KRW 30.1 trillion and operating profit of KRW 2.9 trillion in the fourth quarter, up 3% from the previous quarter due to increased sales of high value-added memory products for servers.
The DX (Device eXperience) division recorded sales of KRW 40.5 trillion and operating profit of KRW 2.3 trillion, a 10% decrease from the previous quarter due to a decrease in the effect of the launch of new smartphone models.
Harman recorded sales of KRW 3.9 trillion and operating profit of KRW 400 billion in the fourth quarter, while SDC recorded sales of KRW 8.1 trillion and operating profit of KRW 900 billion in the fourth quarter.
Facility investment in the fourth quarter increased by KRW 5.4 trillion from the previous quarter to KRW 17.8 trillion, with DS at KRW 16 trillion and Display at KRW 1 trillion.
The annual facility investment amount is the largest ever at 53.6 trillion won, with 46.3 trillion won invested in DS and 4.8 trillion won in displays.
Memory continued to invest in R&D to secure future technology leadership and to expand production capacity for advanced processes such as HBM, resulting in increased investment both quarterly and year-on-year.
Foundries' annual investment decreased compared to the previous year due to worsening market conditions.
Displays continued to invest to secure a competitive edge, focusing on small and medium-sized displays, and the annual investment scale increased compared to the previous year.
In 2025, we plan to strengthen technological and product competitiveness in the AI field, respond to demand for high value-added products, and expand sales of premium products.
The DS division is expected to continue its weakness in the first half of the year, and plans to pursue strengthening mid- to long-term competitiveness and building a portfolio of high-capacity, high-spec products.
MXWith the launch of the Galaxy S25 series, the company plans to solidify its mobile AI leadership with a differentiated AI experience, and expand sales by optimizing the AI experience of the S25 and strengthening the lineup with the foldable.