레거시 반도체 생태계의 공급망 문제가 점점 심각해지고 있다. 첨단 반도체 장비 사업을 강화하는 장비 제조사들이 구형 반도체 장비에 대한 공급과 서비스를 중단하면서 200mm 팹과 구형 300mm 팹들의 장비 및 부품 공급망이 더욱 약화되고 있다.

▲Semimarket launch / (Image: Surplus Global)
Collaboration with legacy chip equipment and component companies to build a supply chain platform
The supply chain problems of the legacy semiconductor ecosystem are becoming increasingly serious. As equipment manufacturers strengthening their advanced semiconductor equipment businesses stop supplying and servicing legacy semiconductor equipment, the equipment and component supply chains of 200mm fabs and legacy 300mm fabs are further weakened.
Surplus Global announced on the 4th that it will build SemiMarket as an online/offline hybrid platform by utilizing its global network and customer solution capabilities accumulated over the past 25 years by providing over 60,000 used equipment to over 6,000 companies.
Semimarket efficiently connects buyers and sellers through an AI-based recommendation system and provides a global network and fulfillment services. Scheduled to launch in December of this year, Semimarket is said to be recruiting over 500 seller partners worldwide.
A 12,000-pyeong ‘Semimarket Parts Mall’ is under construction near the existing 21,000-pyeong semiconductor equipment cluster. This facility, which is scheduled to be completed in May 2026, will provide parts storage and display, as well as parts recycling through equipment dismantling and refurbishment services.
In particular, we are expanding our business items to include new parts and consumables at the request of parts manufacturers and distributors, and we are already in talks with global semiconductor equipment companies and many semiconductor parts companies to enter the market. Participating companies can receive one-stop fulfillment services through Semimarket, including sales, storage, repair, packaging, and logistics services.
Surplus has been conducting businesses such as △sourcing discontinued parts, △developing replacement parts, △recycling parts through dismantling used equipment, △repairing RF and PCBs through its affiliate EQ Global, and △purchasing and selling large amounts of idle parts, but it has decided that this is not enough to meet the demands of various customers.
Accordingly, Surplus Global sought to promote cooperation with legacy semiconductor equipment and component companies and felt the need to build a single platform to solve supply chain issues. For the past five years, it has been developing an AI-based global marketplace, SemiMarket, in cooperation with semiconductor equipment and component companies around the world.
One of the core services of Semimarket is strengthening repair solutions. EQ Global, an affiliate of Surplus Global, is the world's largest semiconductor component RF and PCB repair company, with over 100 experts providing repair services in Korea, Singapore, and China.
Surplus Global plans to attract thousands of domestic and international buyers annually through Semi Market and create synergy with global buyers who visit the Surplus Global semiconductor equipment cluster to purchase used semiconductor equipment. It is reported that they plan to transform SurplusGLOBAL.com, which currently has 3,000 daily visitors, into a semi-market and grow it into the world's largest legacy semiconductor equipment and components platform with 50,000 daily visitors by the end of 2026.
Kim Jung-woong, CEO of Surplus Global, said, “Semimarket is a platform business that we have dreamed of for the past 25 years. After our founding in 2000, we attempted a business-to-business e-commerce business targeting all inventory and idle assets around the world, but failed due to technological limitations at the time.” He continued, “However, over the past 25 years, we have accumulated the necessary network, database, and market experience, and recent advancements in AI technology have finally allowed the semimarket business to become a reality.”
“Semimarket will transform the extremely inefficient legacy semiconductor component market into an AI platform,” said CEO Kim. “If we build a cooperative system with numerous partners and customers, this business will definitely succeed.”