웨어러블 로봇 리딩기업 위로보틱스(공동대표 이연백, 김용재)가 미국 라스베이거스에서 열리는 세계 최대 가전·IT 전시회 ‘CES 2025′에 참가해 ‘1인 1로봇시대’에 발맞춰 웨어러블 로봇 ‘윔(We Innovate Mobility, 이하 WIM)’을 선보였다.
Participated in CES 2025, won Innovation Award for 2 consecutive years
Wearable robot leader Werobotics (Co-CEOs Yeonbaek Lee and Yongjae Kim) participated in CES 2025 to showcase wearable robots, targeting the US market for its walking assistance wearable robots.
Werobotics participated in 'CES 2025', the world's largest home appliance and IT exhibition held in Las Vegas, USA, and introduced the wearable robot 'WIM (We Innovate Mobility, hereinafter referred to as WIM)' in line with the 'one robot per person era'.
WIM has won the CES Robotics Innovation Award for two consecutive years, including in 2024, and Werobotics plans to make full-fledged inroads into the US market this year.
WIM has already proven itself as a leader in wearable robots, selling over 400 units in just six months since its domestic launch in 2024.
Currently, WIM is positioned as a wearable robot for walking assistance that provides optimal solutions to various consumer groups, including those in their 20s and 30s who wish to improve their walking health, those in their 70s and 80s who wish to enhance their walking ability, as well as sanitation workers and rangers of the National Park Service who have to continuously walk at high intensity for work-related reasons.
The world's first WIM with single actuator technology optimizes the symmetrical auxiliary frame structure with a single motor, boasting a light weight of 1.6 kg and allowing anyone to easily attach and detach it in less than 30 seconds.
WIM is not only light, but also effective in improving actual walking health. As a result of a 4-week WIM exercise program targeting the 7080 elderly in 2023, 78% of the participants showed improvements in physical functions such as walking speed, endurance, hip joint and ankle muscle strength.
As these test results demonstrate, WIM is the optimal solution for strengthening lower body muscles and can be used by people of all ages, from young to old.
Additionally, WIM analyzes the user's walking based on AI and big data linked to a dedicated mobile app to provide personalized walking solutions.
And users can maximize the effect according to their usage patterns through WIM's various modes. WIM provides assistance mode, exercise mode, climbing mode (uphill/downhill), and low-speed walking mode, and each mode can be adjusted to three levels of intensity.
Since the launch of WIM in 2024, Werobotics has been carrying out nationwide experiential marketing activities, such as hosting a WIM seminar for senior exercise participants in Cheonan City and an experiential pop-up store with the concept of a “walking trail together” in Busan. Through this, it has expanded consumer contact points for wearable robots and fulfilled the company’s mission of improving the quality of life through technology.
In addition, the first wearable robot walking center in Korea, the 'Wim Walking Exercise Center', was opened to help the nation incorporate wearable robots into their daily lives. The Wim Walking Exercise Center, which opened in March 2024, has had about 1,000 visitors in just 8 months since opening to experience it one-on-one. The WIM Walking Exercise Center not only allows users to experience WIM products before purchasing them, but also provides 1:1 customized exercise programs using WIM under the guidance of experts.
Wirobotics Co-CEO Lee Yeon-baek said, “Since the launch of WIM in 2024, Wirobotics has held various experiential events to approach the public as a friendly wearable robot,” and “We are excited to be able to introduce WIM’s innovative walking solution to consumers around the world through our entry into the global market in 2025. Wirobotics will continue to strive to improve the quality of life by developing human-centered technologies so that wearable robots can naturally permeate the daily lives of various users.”