에너지 관리 및 자동화 분야의 디지털 혁신을 선도하고 있는 글로벌 기업 슈나이더 일렉트릭 코리아(한국지사 대표 김경록)가 더욱 축소된 모터 사이즈로 여유로운 설비 공간을 마련해 다양한 산업 현장의 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있는 서보 모터 및 드라이브의 신규 라인업 렉시엄(Lexium) 18을 출시했다.
Provides more space for installation with a smaller motor size

Schneider Electric Korea (Korea Branch CEO Kyung-Rok Kim), a global company leading the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has introduced a new lineup of server motors and drives that can meet the needs of various industrial sites by creating more spacious facilities with a smaller motor size.
Schneider announced on the 2nd that it has launched a new lineup of servo motors and drives, Lexium 18.
Schneider Electric's new Lexium 18 servo motors and drives feature a simple mechanical architecture for easy manufacturing and optimized power terminals and board connectors to help reduce costs.
Additionally, by eliminating the braking resistor through a large capacitor, it reduces costs while maintaining excellent braking performance.
The Lexium 18 servo motor uses a 23-bit high-resolution encoder to provide precise control and a variety of performances, and can be combined with servo drives.
An automatic notch filter that removes only components in a specific frequency band measures resonance and automatically sets parameters to improve equipment performance.
In particular, you can configure, tune and maintain your drives using Schneider Electric's motor control software, SoMove.
This lineup is the previous product lineCompared to the previous model, the motor size is reduced by 20-35%.
The reduction in motor size is more effective in designing efficient process equipment and can provide ample equipment space. In addition, the overload capacity has been improved by 50% to 350% compared to the previous model, and the maximum speed has also been increased to 6,000 rpm.
“Schneider Electric’s new thermo motor and drive Lexium 18 has improved stability, reliability, and ease of use, and its optimized design delivers a competitive price,” said Park Yoon-kook, manager of offer marketing for Schneider Electric Korea’s Industrial Automation business unit. “In particular, Schneider Electric’s expert technical support and services provided throughout the entire product life cycle perfectly meet the needs of the electrical and electronics, semiconductor, material processing, and packaging industries.”