한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)과 한국원자력연구원(KAERI)이 힘을 합쳐 기관 소개와 연구 현장 공개 등 ‘글로벌 R&D 프렌즈 데이’ 개최를 통해 세계에 대한민국 R&D 열정을 전파했다.

▲Site of the ETRI-Finland delegation’s technology R&D workshop held at ETRI on September 24
Hosting 'Global R&D Friend's Day' by inviting foreign ambassadors to Korea
The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) joined forces to create a meaningful event for global R&D cooperation, including an introduction of the institute and an exhibition of research sites, and to spread Korea's passion for R&D around the world.
The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) announced that they will hold ‘Global R&D Friends Day’ on the 26th.
The event will be attended by ambassadors from major countries, heads of government-funded research institutes, and researchers.
ETRI and KAERI introduce the technologies and achievements currently being researched through institutional introductions and research site disclosures.
We also provided time for attendees to freely communicate about R&D through networking events.
The delegation of foreign ambassadors will visit the SMART comprehensive effect test facility and the ATLAS research site at KAERI, then move to ETRI to examine cultural heritage artificial intelligence conversion technology and next-generation digital broadcasting technology.
You can also experience the autonomous shuttle Autobee and tour the ETRI History Museum and Information and Communication Experience Center.
This event is in line with the promotion of Korea's membership in Horizon Europe as an associate member of the global R&Damp;D was established to strengthen cooperation.
ETRI and KAERI held a meaningful event to break down barriers between research institutes and promote cooperation.
KAERI President Joo Han-kyu said, “It is an honor to introduce Korea’s research achievements and cutting-edge facilities.”
TRI Director Seungchan Bang said, “This event is an important opportunity to discuss promoting global joint research.”
Ambassadors and science museums from major European countries, including Sweden, Finland, and the EU delegation, attended this event. ETRI and KAERI plan to continue to build an organic communication and cooperation system in the future.