산업통상자원부(장관 안덕근)가 국내 반도체 첨단패키징 관련 기술경쟁력 확보를 위해 ‘전자부품산업기술개발(첨단전략산업초격차기술개발 반도체)’ 사업을 2월14일 공고한다. 총 394억원이 투입되며, 올해에는 약 198억원이 집행된다.
This year, 19.8 billion won in business progress, advanced strategic industry super gap technology development project announcement
A project to support domestic semiconductor material, component, equipment, and post-process companies, academia, and research circles that are promoting technological cooperation with leading overseas research institutes and leading companies for the development of ultra-gap technologies in semiconductor advanced packaging will be launched in earnest starting this year.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Minister Ahn Deok-geun) announced the ‘Electronic Components Industry Technology Development (Advanced Strategic Industry Super-Gap Technology Development Semiconductor)’ project on February 14 to secure technological competitiveness related to domestic semiconductor advanced packaging.
Advanced packaging has emerged as a key technology as the demand for high-performance, multi-functional semiconductors increases due to the digital transformation, overcoming the technological limitations of fine processes and increasing the need for single packaging of individual devices.
In particular, the development of new materials for heterojunction and multi-stage stacking and the development of advanced processes for implementing advanced packaging technologies such as chiplets and 3D have become hot topics for securing ultra-gap semiconductor technologies.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced a new project to establish an R&D cooperation system and joint research and development with leading global research institutes and leading companies to secure advanced packaging technology competitiveness.
This project will be supported by matching national and private funds with a total project cost of KRW 39.4 billion (KRW 19.8 billion in 2024).
The support areas include advanced packaging processes and equipment, analysis and inspection, and materials. The target of support is academia, research, and companies related to domestic semiconductors. Selected institutions will be able to receive support of up to a total of KRW 5.55 billion in government subsidies for 33 months.
This project is scheduled to be accepted from February 14 to March 14, and the details of the project announcement can be found in the Integrated Research Journal of Inter-MinistryYou can check it on the original system (www.iris.go.kr).
An official from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said, “Advanced packaging is a key area for securing a global supply chain for system semiconductors. The government will continue to work to strengthen the competitiveness of semiconductor packaging technology and create a robust ecosystem, including by promoting large-scale R&D projects for ‘development of leading semiconductor advanced packaging technologies.’”