인피니언 테크놀로지스(Infineon Technologies)가 말레이시아 쿨림에 세계 최대 SiC(실리콘카바이드) 전력 반도체 팹을 오픈하며, 와이드밴드갭 반도체 글로벌 시장 공략에 박차를 가한다.
Investing 2 billion euros in Phase 1 and 5 billion euros in Phase 2, including 200mm SiC and GaN epitaxy
Infineon Technologies opens the world's largest SiC (silicon carbide) power semiconductor fab in Kulim, Malaysia, accelerating its conquest of the global wide bandgap semiconductor market.
Infineon announced on the 8th that it has opened the first phase of its new plant in Malaysia.
The plant produces 200mm silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductors and is said to be the world's largest.
The first phase of the fab, which represents an investment of €2 billion, will focus on the production of silicon carbide power semiconductors, including gallium nitride (GaN) epitaxy.
Phase 2 will see an investment of up to €5 billion, building the world’s largest and most efficient 200mm SiC power fab.
“The next generation of power semiconductors based on innovative technologies like SiC are absolutely essential for decarbonization and climate protection,” said Jochen Hanebeck, CEO of Infineon. “Infineon’s technology increases the energy efficiency of ubiquitous applications such as electric vehicles, solar and wind power systems, and AI data centers. “We are investing in the largest and most efficient advanced SiC production facility in Malaysia, backed by our strong collaboration with our customers,” he said.
Infineon has secured design orders totaling €5 billion and has received upfront payments of around €1 billion from existing and new customers to support the continued expansion of its Kulim 3 fab.
In particular, this design order includes six OEMs in the automotive sector and customers in the renewable energy and industrial sectors.
The Kulim 3 fab will be powered by 100% green electricity and will employ the latest energy efficiency measures to support Infineon’s carbon neutrality goal.
Infineon will use state-of-the-art reduction systems to prevent carbon emissions and environmentally friendly refrigerants that combine high efficiency with extremely low global warming potential.
Other measures to ensure sustainable operations include state-of-the-art recycling of indirect materials, state-of-the-art water efficiency and recycling processes.