한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)이 6G 환경에서 원격회의, 협연, 수술 등이 가능한 초저지연 네트워크 핵심기술을 개발했다. 이 기술로 6G 시대의 초실감 메타버스 세상이 열릴 전망이다.

▲ETRI President Seung-chan Bang (third from the left) experiencing a 3D realistic volumetric live remote conference service with a presenter from Pukyung National University in Busan at the ETRI headquarters laboratory
Daejeon-Busan 458km Testbed Network Field Verification Success
The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) has developed a core technology for ultra-low latency networks that enable remote conferencing, collaboration, and surgery in a 6G environment. This technology is expected to open up a hyper-realistic metaverse world in the 6G era.
ETRI researchers announced on the 18th that they have developed a terminal network stack technology tailored to the end-to-end performance required for hyper-realistic, high-precision services. They have proven their technological prowess by successfully demonstrating a remote conference without delay using this technology.
The current network service transmission structure has limitations in precisely providing the complex network performance required by application services, such as bandwidth and delay. ETRI has overcome this and brought forward the 6G era.
The network stack technology developed by the research team provides 100 Gbps of bandwidth performance per flow and high-precision performance at the level of 1/100,000th of a second through collaboration between applications and networks. This is a new transport layer structure and is expected to become a core solution for 6G terminal networks.
ETRI succeeded in field verification on the 458km testbed network between Daejeon and Busan by linking with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)’s Next-Generation Network Leading Research and Testing Network (KOREN). This successfully demonstrated a 3D realistic volumetric live remote conference.
This technology is a 6G core technology development project of the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Institute of Information and Communications Technology Planning and Evaluation (IITP), and KT Corporation, SK Telecom Corporation, LG Uplus Corporation, Coway Corporation, and WooriNet Corporation participated in joint research.
ETRI transferred ultra-low latency transmission protocol technology to Cable Co., Ltd. last August to commercialize the technology and is supporting the development of commercial prototypes.
In addition, we plan to lead the 6G hyper-realistic, high-precision service market through technology transfer with network equipment companies and metaverse solution companies.
With this achievement, the research team has adopted 17 international and domestic patents, 2 SCIE papers, 1 excellent academic conference paper, and 1 international standard. In particular, they received the grand prize at the 15th ICT Convergence International Conference hosted by the Korea Institute of Information and Communications Sciences on October 17.
ETRI's performance-tailored programmable terminal network stack is expected to satisfy various ultra-realistic and high-precision service qualities in 6G, which is expected to be commercialized after 2028, and is expected to be a new terminal networking technology that will replace the Internet's TCP-IP.
ETRI Packet Network Research Lab Director Jeong Tae-sik said, “We have secured ultra-low latency and ultra-precision packet transmission technology for 6G ultra-precision networks and performance-tailored terminal protocol stack technology that can realize 6G end-to-end ultra-realistic and high-precision services.” He added, “Through this, we will lead the development of 6G ultra-precision services and the joint growth of convergence industries.”