한국자동차연구원(원장 나승식)이 ‘LCA기반 탄소저감 소재 기술’을 주제로 제12회 자산어보 행사를 개최하며, 글로벌 탄소중립 노력의 일환으로 전과정평가(Life Cycle Assessment, 이하 LCA)를 기반으로 한, 모빌리티 친환경 소재 기술 개발 동향 및 발전 전략에 대한 공감대 형성의 장을 마련했다.
The 12th Asset Report, LCA policy in the automobile sector and carbon reduction materials
As part of its global carbon neutrality efforts, the Korea Automobile Research Institute (President Seung-sik Na) has established a forum to build consensus on trends and advancement strategies for eco-friendly mobility material technology development based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a technique for quantifying and evaluating the environmental impacts that occur throughout the entire process of a product, from raw material extraction to processing, assembly, transportation, use, and disposal.
On the 12th, Hanjayeon held the 12th Jasan Eobo event with the theme of ‘LCA-based Carbon Reduction Material Technology’ at the COEX Startup Branch located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul.
The event was attended by approximately 120 people including Han Ja-yeon, Head of Corporate Growth Division, Lee Soon-woong, KG Mobility Managing Director Lee Yong-heon, BGF Eco Materials Managing Director Lee Jong-soo, Almec Director Lim Jae-cheol, DN Automotive Managing Director Kim Tae-shin, Eco Plastic Executive Director Lee Jong-heon, Andy Force CEO Cho Seo-yong, and Samgi Research Institute Director Lee Hyeong-gi, along with officials from finished car manufacturers, small and medium-sized parts companies, and related organizations.
The Jasan Eobo event hosted by Hanjayeon is an abbreviation for ‘Uniting and Supporting the Automobile Industry’ and is a regular networking event aimed at sharing useful information and promoting collaboration among members based on regular meetings and exchanges among members of the mobility industry.
this time The 12th event covered a wide range of topics including LCA policies in the automotive industry and the current status and development strategies of carbon reduction material technologies as part of efforts to create a sustainable environment.
Specifically, it proceeded in the following order: △LCA international policy trends and future directions (Professor Hwang Yong-woo of Inha University), △Current status and outlook of greenhouse gas emissions in the automotive materials sector (Han Ja-yeon, Senior Researcher Kim Dong-ok, New Materials Technology Division), △LCA domestic and international policy trends in the automotive sector (Researcher Lim Yoon-seong, National Institute of Environmental Research, Ministry of Environment), △Announcements of leading companies (Hyundai Motor Company, POSCO, Almec, BGF Ecomaterials), △Introduction of participating companies, and △Open networking.
In addition, the company took the lead in supporting various technological exchanges and discovering new partner companies by operating a research results/technology consultation consulting booth of the 'New Material Technology Division' under the Hanjayun Chassis and Material Technology Research Institute and a promotion booth for four innovative companies (BGF Ecomaterials, Dowon, Ohdusi Lab, and Samgi).
A Hanjayeon official said, “As the importance of achieving carbon neutrality and a sustainable environment is highlighted due to various climate crises, various research and development is being conducted in the automobile industry in line with LCA.” He added, “We will strive to develop material technologies and utilize them in various ways with the goal of reducing carbon based on LCA through exchanges and cooperation among industry members at this event.”