한국자동차연구원이 지난 15일 대한상공회의소에서 산업통상자원부 국가기술표준원이 주최하고 한국표준협회가 주관하는 2024년 세계 표준의 날 기념식에서 친환경기술연구소 전기동력기술부문 신외경 부문장이 국무총리 표창을 수상했다고 밝혔다.
▲At the 2024 World Standards Day commemoration ceremony, Shin Oe-kyung, head of the Korea Automobile Research Institute (Electric Power Technology Division, Eco-friendly Technology Research Institute), is receiving the Prime Minister's Award from Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Ahn Deok-geun and taking a commemorative photo. / (Photo: Han Ja-yeon)
Achievements in national standard development and international standardization activities in the electric vehicle sector
The Korea Automobile Research Institute announced on the 15th that at the 2024 World Standards Day ceremony hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's National Institute of Standards and Technology and organized by the Korea Standards Association at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Shin Oe-kyung, head of the Electric Power Technology Division of the Eco-friendly Technology Research Institute, received the Prime Minister's Award.
World Standards Day is a day designated by the three major international standards organizations (ISO, IEC, ITU) to raise awareness of the importance of standards and to promote international standards. Since 2000, Korea has been awarding government awards every year to those who have contributed to strengthening national competitiveness through standardization.
Han Ja-yeon, the recipient of the Prime Minister's Award, was recognized for her contributions to standardization and industrial development and enhancement of national competitiveness through her participation in domestic and international standardization activities in the electric vehicle field, including national standard development, international standardization activities, and standardization research and development (development of two ISO standards).
Shin Oe-gyeong, head of the electric vehicle division, said, “It is an honor to contribute to the standardization and industrial development of electric vehicles as a member of Hanjayeon,” and added, “We will continue to devote ourselves to research so that our country’s electric vehicle technology and standards can lead the global market.”