한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)이 2일 시무식을 개최하고, 을사년 새해를 맞아 2025년 신년 연구·경영 계획을 발표했다. ETRI는 2025년 임무·수요 중심의 연구개발 혁신에 나선다.

▲ETRI President Seungchan Bang
Presentation of research and management plans, selection of representative achievements and awards
The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) will embark on mission- and demand-centered R&D innovation in 2025.
ETRI held an inauguration ceremony on the 2nd and announced its research and management plan for 2025 to welcome the new year of Eulsa.
ETRI's 2025 goal is mission- and demand-centered R&D innovation.
We plan to successfully complete six top challenge projects in the fields of AI computing, AI robots, 6G communications, metaverse, advanced mobility, and advanced bio to create mid- to large-scale research results and establish ourselves as a key forward base for national strategic technologies.
In addition, as issues of ethics, safety, and responsibility in the AI field are increasingly highlighted, we plan to pursue balanced AI development that simultaneously considers AI innovation and safety through the AI Safety Research Institute established in November of last year.
This seeks to explore ways to continue innovation while minimizing the impact of AI technology on society.
ETRI established e-STAMP, a research results dissemination system, and expanded tasks that take industrialization into account from the R&D planning and execution stages.
We plan to further enhance the research results dissemination system to apply research results to industry and contribute to industrial innovation through 22 projects in 2023 and 55 projects in 2024.
/> ETRI announced its ambition to continue ESG management innovation encompassing carbon neutrality, coexistence and cooperation, and transparent and ethical management, foster regional specialized industries, and strengthen coexistence and cooperation with local regions.
We plan to develop and advance a cooperative model to strengthen the link between the Daejeon headquarters and ETRI’s regional research headquarters to enhance the competitiveness of regional industries and achieve joint growth with the local community.
Along with its New Year's address, ETRI also announced nine technologies as 'ETRI's Representative Achievements for 2024' to encourage excellence and creativity and to widely publicize the excellence of ETRI's research results.
The grand prize went to 'Development of 6G Satellite Communication Technology for Realizing a Ground-Satellite Integrated Network' conducted by Principal Researcher Yoo Jun-gyu, and the grand prize went to 5G NR small cell software technology, development of 3D precision positioning for emergency rescue, and Wi-Fi-based field exploration technology.
ETRI President Seung-chan Bang said, “Change and innovation can create greater results and value when they work together. If we respect each other’s creative ideas and move forward without fear of challenges, we can create a better world through digital innovation technology.”
At the ceremony held that day, a meaningful ceremony was held to award awards to Education Commissioner Dong-won Han, who successfully led the 'AI Academy', and Research Fellow Woo-jong Han, who devoted himself to supercomputer research.
Last year, ETRI was selected for 10 research achievements in the 'National Research and Development Excellence 100' hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT, and was honored with being selected as the research institute with the most excellent research achievements for six consecutive years.