Developers and those who have great interest in development regard support for integrated WiFi as the greatest advantage of the latest version of Raspberry Pi, while finding lack of support for diverse OSes lacking.
E4ds News recently announced the result of survey conducted during its online live broadcasting program ‘IoT sensor and motor control practice: How to fully utilize Raspberry Pi’ aired on May 26. The lecture and practice during the online live broadcasting was given by Jae-Joon Chung, president of Kernel Research Society. Among 117 viewers, around 70 respondents replied to the survey questionnaire regarding actual usage of Raspberry Pi.
Developers and those who have great interest in development regard support for integrated WiFi as the greatest advantage of the latest version of Raspberry Pi, while finding lack of support for diverse OSes lacking.
E4ds News recently announced the result of survey conducted during its online live broadcasting program ‘IoT sensor and motor control practice: How to fully utilize Raspberry Pi’ aired on May 26. The lecture and practice during the online live broadcasting was given by Jae-Joon Chung, president of Kernel Research Society. Among 117 viewers, around 70 respondents replied to the survey questionnaire regarding actual usage of Raspberry Pi.
40% of respondents replied that they use Raspberry Pi because of its affordable price. Other replies included small and high-performance devices (30%), Simplicity and convenience (17%), high popularity (7%) and business usability (6%).
Then, for the question asking what would be their purpose for using Raspberry Pi, 51% of respondents replied that they use it for hobby. Similar number of respondents also replied that they use it for prototyping (50%), IoT device development (44%) and education (43%).
For the most interesting products utilizing Raspberry Pi, they selected ultra-low cost server (47%), mobile equipment like robots, etc. (41%), surveillance cameras (40%), educational programs (31%), etc. from the suggested examples. Other items they expressed interest in included temperature and humidity monitor, multi-tap adaptor, display applications, game consoles, speakers, gateway function for IoT devices, development of high-performance control and high-end GUI, etc.
▲What do you think is the most outstanding feature of recently released Raspberry Pi V.3?
For the most outstanding function of the recently released Raspberry Pi V.3, respondents selected integrated 2.4GHz Wi-Fi function complying 802.11n (40%), 64-bit ARM processor (26%), 60fps playback of 1080p video (14%), integrated Bluetooth 4.1 (14%), number of USB ports increased to 4 (6%), etc.
On the other hand, for the question asking what is lacking in Raspberry Pi, respondents selected support for diverse OSes (36%), heating temperature (33%), security (24%), development language (21%), storage memory (20%), mass production (20%), etc.
For the function desired to be added to the future version of Raspberry Pi, respondents selected support for desktop version of Windows 10 (24%), higher capacity RAM 923%), ZigBee wireless technology (21%), USB 3.0 (20%), GPU function supporting next-generation standard graphics (11%), etc.